Good looking young man with a boy
Good looking young man with a boyAI
Take me higher!
Take me higher!AI
Good looking young man on knees with a boy
Good looking young man on knees with a boyAI
Good looking young man with a boy
Good looking young man with a boyAI
Really, dad! do you really want to go through dat wall?!
Really, dad! do you really want to go through dat wall?!AI
Don't worry. there's no little men inside.
Don't worry. there's no little men inside.AI
Come on, son! help me to take off your shirt!
Come on, son! help me to take off your shirt!AI
Its okay, son. but you hold it up side down...
Its okay, son. but you hold it up side down...AI
Good looking young man playing with a boy
Good looking young man playing with a boyAI
Good looking young man with a boy
Good looking young man with a boyAI
We begin morning exercises!
We begin morning exercises!AI
This dance is called "flyin"
This dance is called "flyin"AI
Mission control center! i am asking for landing permission!
Mission control center! i am asking for landing permission!AI
Haha! gotcha!
Haha! gotcha!AI
Good looking young man with a boy
Good looking young man with a boyAI
Stop it, dad! i hate your magic tricks!
Stop it, dad! i hate your magic tricks!AI
Do not be sad, son! she likes you, but she needs more time!
Do not be sad, son! she likes you, but she needs more time!AI
Look, son! you're higher then me! ha-ha!
Look, son! you're higher then me! ha-ha!AI
Look, dad!  i was so tall 1 year ago!
Look, dad! i was so tall 1 year ago!AI
Lets do this. son! thumbs up!
Lets do this. son! thumbs up!AI
Good looking young man playing with a boy
Good looking young man playing with a boyAI
Good looking young man on knees with a boy
Good looking young man on knees with a boyAI
I'm in great shape cuz of playing with my son!
I'm in great shape cuz of playing with my son!AI
Young man on knees holding a boy in his arms
Young man on knees holding a boy in his armsAI
Good looking young man with a boy
Good looking young man with a boyAI
Omg. my mind will blow up if he will continue doing dat creepy smiling face...
Omg. my mind will blow up if he will continue doing dat creepy smiling face...AI
Good looking young man with a boy
Good looking young man with a boyAI
Stand still, son! just for a second please...
Stand still, son! just for a second please...AI
Good looking young man playing with a boy
Good looking young man playing with a boyAI
Good looking young man with a boy
Good looking young man with a boyAI
C'mon, son! show me a look of a warrior!
C'mon, son! show me a look of a warrior!AI
C'mon, son! we really need to take a photo!
C'mon, son! we really need to take a photo!AI
...and another shot for mama...
...and another shot for mama...AI
Come on, son! i thought you love this game!
Come on, son! i thought you love this game!AI
Good looking young man on knees with a boy
Good looking young man on knees with a boyAI
I'm landing!
I'm landing!AI
Good looking young man holding a boy in his arms
Good looking young man holding a boy in his armsAI
Come on, son! its so funny! is't it?
Come on, son! its so funny! is't it?AI
But what if the whole world is an illusion and i’m just someone’s picture?
But what if the whole world is an illusion and i’m just someone’s picture?AI
Young man on knees with a boy.
Young man on knees with a boy.AI
What are you dreaming about, son? - pizzaaaa!
What are you dreaming about, son? - pizzaaaa!AI
Its time to hear a cool story, son!
Its time to hear a cool story, son!AI
Good looking young man playing with a boy
Good looking young man playing with a boyAI
Good looking young man with a boy
Good looking young man with a boyAI
Come on, son. if you will not eat this porridge, i’ll eat you!
Come on, son. if you will not eat this porridge, i’ll eat you!AI