- すべてのソース
- Icons8 Moose
- その他
![A glass bottle of cold water with a slice of a grapefruit and some mint on top of it, aka the best thing ever on a hot summer day](https://photo-cdn2.icons8.com/dmu5oir354YbbgVjBiFy7zmDvghTIp-Y7Ekicn6m3TY/rs:fit:288:192/czM6Ly9pY29uczgu/bW9vc2UtcHJvZC5h/c3NldHMvYXNzZXRz/L3NhdGEvb3JpZ2lu/YWwvOTIwLzhkYjAx/YjJlLWQxMDQtNDNm/NC04MDZjLTE4MjFh/YWEyZmJiYS5qcGc.jpg)
A glass bottle of cold water with a slice of a grapefruit and some mint on top of it, aka the best thing ever on a hot summer day
![A glass bottle and glasses with some cold water and slices of a grapefruit, along with some colourful plastic straws](https://photo-cdn2.icons8.com/me003i06T8FxksJkbdfFZsbwdy-toOJ2stJUq4TBdd0/rs:fit:288:192/czM6Ly9pY29uczgu/bW9vc2UtcHJvZC5h/c3NldHMvYXNzZXRz/L3NhdGEvb3JpZ2lu/YWwvMzYyL2RiNjQx/ZTY3LWFmNmUtNDhm/NC04ZGE1LTQyYjU4/YzgyOGU4Mi5qcGc.jpg)
A glass bottle and glasses with some cold water and slices of a grapefruit, along with some colourful plastic straws
![A glass of cold water with a slice of grapefruit and some mint leaves on it, with two colorful plastic straws because drinking from both at the same time is double fun](https://photo-cdn2.icons8.com/0kjC0Ij4vmI6_CzZB3Ro-xkuxoNwKkRp2I0xTCl9KmA/rs:fit:288:192/czM6Ly9pY29uczgu/bW9vc2UtcHJvZC5h/c3NldHMvYXNzZXRz/L3NhdGEvb3JpZ2lu/YWwvNDcyL2RjMGQw/MTQyLTE2NzktNGRk/Yy1hZDcyLTM1YzZl/MGVmNjZhZi5qcGc.jpg)
A glass of cold water with a slice of grapefruit and some mint leaves on it, with two colorful plastic straws because drinking from both at the same time is double fun